Sun, 30 November 2014
First Sunday of Advent. Yes, Advent is a time of waiting...but joyous, energetic waiting, not snoozing. (Preached on Sunday, November 30, 2014, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, New York City) |
Mon, 24 November 2014
Memorial of Saint Andrew Dŭng-Lạc, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs. What does it mean to truly follow the Lamb of God? (Preached on Monday, November 24, 2014, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 20 November 2014
Thursday of the Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary Time. How do you serve the people of God? Why? (Preached on Thursday, November 20, 2014, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, New York City) |
Mon, 17 November 2014
Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious. We are typically used to phrase, "seeing is believing." But ironically a blind man teaches us the opposite today. (Preached on Monday, November 17, 2014, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Mon, 10 November 2014
Memorial of Saint Leo the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church. What do we have in common with the throngs of people that wait in line for the release of thew tech gadget or huge movie? (Preached on Monday, November 10, 2014, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 9 November 2014
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. Today is the feast day of of the Lateran Basilica. What does this mean for us here and now? (Preached on Sunday, November 9, 2014, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |