20th Sunday Ordinary Time (C). The prophet Jeremiah gets plopped into well up to his neck in mud. Does your spiritual life sometimes feel like it's stuck in the mud? As Christians, we run a race with our eyes fixed on Jesus. St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 11:00 am Sunday Mass. (8-19-07)
Direct download: 08-19-07_StuckMud.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:57pm EST

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary's Assumption gives us hope that death will one day finally be conqured and our eternal souls will be reunited with our bodies. St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 1:15 pm feast day Mass. (8-15-07)
Direct download: 08-15-07_Assumption-Death.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:55pm EST

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We profess our faith as Catholics with the Creed at Mass. But our faith is much more than those words we say. Our faith is a journey, a "faith walk," where we must trust the One guiding us. St. Barnabas Church, Bronx, New York, 10:15 am Sunday Mass (8-12-07)
Direct download: 08-12-07_FaithWalk.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:54pm EST

Thursday of the 17th Week Ordinary TIme. In the Old Testament "The Ark of the Covenant" is the dwelling place of God. Jesus promised that the Holy Spriit lives in each of us. That makes US the dwelling places of God. Be good to yourself! St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 12:15 weekday Mass. (8-02-07)
Direct download: 08-02-07_WeRDwellingPlace.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:52pm EST