Wed, 30 November 2022
Memorial of St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr. On the feast day that celebrates the patron saint of musicians, Father Dave relates these readings to St. Cecilia’s commitment to her faith. He challenges us to keep a song in our hearts, even throughout the darkness in our world. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 11-22-22 |
Wed, 30 November 2022
Tuesday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave reflects on their pilgrimage group’s blessings, as well as humanity’s flawed transactional view of God’s love. We are not entitled to salvation, but can only receive through the free grace of God. Preached at Santuario del Crocifisso, Nemi, Italy on 11-08-22 |
Wed, 30 November 2022
Monday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time. While on pilgrimage in Italy, Father Dave reflects on their recent experience seeing the Pope. He challenges the pilgrims and all of us to capture that feeling and not take our gift of faith for granted. Preached in Choir Chapel, St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City on 11-07-22 |
Wed, 30 November 2022
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave recalls a radio show question about the phrase “Lord, I’m not worthy” that we say during Mass. We are not worthy of God’s love, but only he can heal us. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 10-30-22 |
Wed, 30 November 2022
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles. Father Dave reflects on Paul’s message to the Ephesians about how we belong to the household of God. Our close relationship with the Lord comes with responsibilities as members of God’s house. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 10-28-22 |
Mon, 31 October 2022
While on pilgrimage to France in 2019, Father Dave preached on All Saints’ Day about what the Church teaches about these holy men and women that we celebrate today. |
Tue, 25 October 2022
Memorial of Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions. Father Dave reflects on today’s readings where Peter asks Jesus about “us” and “them.” Father Dave discusses the martyrs we celebrate in today’s feast, and how we also are called to look past divisions to spread the word of God. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 10-19-22 |
Tue, 25 October 2022
Friday of the Twenty-Eighth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave recalls his confirmation, and how he and his classmates were sealed by the Holy Spirit during this sacrament. St. Paul describes in today's readings how God has chosen us, and we respond in thanksgiving when we come to Mass. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 10-14-22 |
Wed, 12 October 2022
Wednesday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave explains a conflict in today’s readings about who we are called to serve. He reminds us that we are not meant to do everything, but we are called to let God speak through us to those in our immediate circles. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 10-5-22 |
Wed, 12 October 2022
Memorial of St. Jerome. Father Dave reflects on the praise he is receiving today on his birthday, and how today’s readings offer some humility. God reminds us that it’s not all about “me,” and that we are to be a gift to others in the world. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 09-30-22 |
Mon, 3 October 2022
Monday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave reflects on the image of light when it comes to evangelization in today’s readings, and notes how some wish to keep their faith to themselves. He explains that our light will be extinguished if it is not shared, just like the flame of a candle. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 09-19-22 |
Mon, 3 October 2022
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave challenges us to apply our problem-solving and time-management skills to our faith lives. He reminds us that we are to find the time, energy and effort for what God desires. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 09-18-22 |
Mon, 3 October 2022
Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Father Dave explains how Jesus transforms the cross from an image of death into new life. He reminds us that in the Paschal Mystery, our darkest moments can be reborn with God. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 09-14-22 |
Mon, 3 October 2022
Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave notes that while the Catholic Church has a lot of rules, our readings today show that God isn’t afraid to break protocol to show us his mercy. God will diligently search for us, and then we are to lead others who are lost back to him. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 09-11-22 |
Mon, 3 October 2022
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Dave expresses concern about the declining birth rate in many parts of the world. On today’s feast, we are reminded to have hope that any child could change the world. God works through the weakest and most vulnerable of us to bring about the kingdom. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 09-08-22 |
Fri, 9 September 2022
Tuesday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave recounts how he lost his reader sunglasses while on a recent trip, and it was hard to see certain things. He connects this to how the Holy Spirit allows us to view our world differently. However, just like putting on glasses, we have to choose to put on the Holy Spirit and see with the eyes of God. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 08-30-22 |
Fri, 9 September 2022
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave preaches on the themes of humility, and shares how he struggles with this virtue. He gives examples from St. Teresa of Calcutta on how we can practice having a meek and humble heart. When we are more focused on others, we can become more like God. Preached at St. Mary’s of the Lake Church in Lake George, New York on 08-28-22 |
Fri, 9 September 2022
Tuesday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time. On the final day of the pilgrimage to Germany, Father Dave reminds the pilgrims and us that all of these beautiful places and structures are meant to give glory to God. In order to enter "the narrow gate" into heaven, we are to humbly let something go in order to do God's work. Preached at Trinity Church in Munich, Germany on 08-16-22 |
Fri, 9 September 2022
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this feast of Mary's Assumption, Father Dave reminds us how we can relate to how God called our Blessed Mother. God invites us to live into and share the gifts He gives each of us. Preached at Asamkirche in Munich, Germany on 08-15-22 |
Fri, 9 September 2022
Vigil of Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave preaches from a traditionally Lutheran church, and describes some commonalities in how both Christian faiths honor the Word of God. He reminds us that we are to be set on fire by the Gospel, as the Scriptures tell us today. He also explains the devotion to Mary, Untier of Knots, and challenges us to set the world ablaze and undo knots for others. Preached at Saint Anne Church, Augsburg, Germany on 08-13-22 |
Wed, 7 September 2022
Memorial of Saint Clare. Father Dave focuses on the psalm proclaimed today, and connects it to the beginning of the pilgrimage to Germany. He reminds the pilgrims and all of us to remember the wonderful things God has done for us. Preached at the Basilica of St. Ursula, Cologne, Germany on 08-11-22 |
Wed, 10 August 2022
Wednesday of the Eighteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave recalls exchanging valentines as a kid with the phrase "Be Mine." The readings today remind us that we belong to God, and he is our protector and guide. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 08-03-22 |
Wed, 10 August 2022
Thursday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave recalls faith lessons he learned from pottery class while on sabbatical last year. We are called to let God keep molding us into something beautiful, even when it's uncomfortable to change. Preached at St. Mary's of the Lake Church in Lake George, New York on 07-28-22
Direct download: 07-28-22_MlodingClayIntoSomethingBeautiful.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:16pm EDT |
Mon, 1 August 2022
Feast of Saint James. Father Dave explains how the Feast of Saint James can remind us that God chooses all of us despite our shortcomings. Our imperfections do not limit us in our call to be present to others. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 07-25-22 |
Mon, 1 August 2022
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave explains how today's Scriptures reveal two keys about prayer: It is not about changing God's mind, and it is usually not about us. We are to focus on the needs of our world and community, in addition to praying for our own desires. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 07-24-22 |
Mon, 25 July 2022
Wednesday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave notes that sometimes being a disciple means God is telling us to do something, rather than asking. However, God knows what He's doing -- we are not alone on our journey, and He will give us what we need. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 07-20-22 |
Mon, 25 July 2022
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave muses about how his friends call him "a Martha," as well as how we are called to both contemplative and active service in our faith. He also stresses that we can't be distracted or overwhelmed by the humanness of being a disciple. We are to tend to the person of Jesus and those in our lives who need hospitality. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 07-17-22 |
Mon, 25 July 2022
Memorial of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha. Father Dave recalls how a friend often asks if they are being too dramatic, and connects this characteristic to Isaiah's passion in today's readings. He also helps us learn from Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, and challenges us to not take our faith for granted. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 07-14-22 |
Tue, 5 July 2022
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul. Father Dave explains why Saints Peter and Paul share a solemnity, and highlights their impact on the church. Despite our shortcomings, God uses all of us to help grow the kingdom of heaven. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 06-29-22 |
Tue, 28 June 2022
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Following the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade, Father Dave discusses Paul's definition of freedom in Sunday's Gospel. He reminds us that our priority is to live God's commands, and that we are called to put our selfishness aside to love and serve one another. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 06-26-22 |
Mon, 27 June 2022
Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave reflects on how news stories can stir passionate change in us, and connects this to those in the Old Testament who were convicted by the Word of God. He also challenges us to use Scripture to change our lives for the better. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 06-22-22 |
Sun, 26 June 2022
Wednesday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave reflects on how news stories can stir passionate change in us, and connects this to those in the Old Testament who were convicted by the Word of God. He also challenges us to use Scripture to change our lives for the better. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 06-22-22 |
Thu, 2 June 2022
Tue, 10 May 2022
Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter. Father Dave discusses the conversion of Saint Paul and how much courage it must take to commit to conversion. He encourages us to keep our eyes on the Lord and have the courage to practice our faith even when it is not the popular thing to do. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 05-04-22 |
Tue, 10 May 2022
Memorial of Saint Athanasius, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Father Dave reflects on the saints who accomplished God's work by relying on their faith. He encourages us to have that same fire of faith in order to accomplish God's plans. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 05-02-22
Direct download: 05-02-22_WhatCanWeDo2AccomplishWorksOfGod.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:23pm EDT |
Tue, 10 May 2022
Third Sunday of Easter. Father Dave reflects on Jesus' relationship with Peter. He points out how relatable this relationship is for all of us. We all have moments where we abandon God as well as moments when we show up for him. Father Dave points out that it is important for us to be reconciled and move forward rather than become discouraged and give up on our relationship with God. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 05-01-22 |
Tue, 10 May 2022
Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter. Father Dave shares a recent encounter with a friend in which he shared that his child asked how much he loved him when refusing to buy her a stuffed animal. Father Dave points out that we ask God the same question when we don't get what we want. He encourages us to trust that God's love for us is unwavering even when we don't understand why things don't always go to plan in our lives. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 4-27-22
Tue, 10 May 2022
Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Father Dave points out that while there are people who have sacrificed their lives for others, Jesus is the only one who rose from the dead. He encourages us to believe in the power of the resurrection and what that means for our own lives. Preached in the Holy Land at The Holy Sepulchre on 04-09-22 |
Tue, 10 May 2022
Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Father Dave reflects on Jesus' agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. He points out that while suffering is inevitable in life, we are never alone in it. God is always with us, and has suffered on our behalf. He encourages us to unite our suffering with Christ and to allow it to heal us. Preached in the Holy Land at Gethsemane on 04-07-22
Direct download: 04-07-22_GethsemaneSufferingAndHealing_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:03pm EDT |
Tue, 10 May 2022
Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Father Dave compares the story of Zacchaeus to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Zacchaeus made a living by extorting others. After Jesus approached Zacchaeus, he was made aware of his need to repent and to give back whatever he had stolen from others. Father Dave points out the power behind an encounter with God's mercy and encourages us not to be afraid to approach God's merciful heart. Preached in the Holy Land on 04-06-22
Tue, 10 May 2022
Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Father Dave discusses the mystery of the Eucharist. He points out that while the Host may look like bread, Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, waiting to transform us at every Mass. Preached in The Holy Land at Capernaum on 04-05-22 |
Tue, 10 May 2022
Monday of the Fifth Week of Lent. Father Dave reflects on the Annunciation and Mary's response. He encourages us to use Mary as our model when it comes to responding to God's will, and to trust that God's plan is for our ultimate good. Preached in the Holy Land on 04-04-22 |
Tue, 10 May 2022
Third Sunday of Lent. Father Dave reflects on today's Gospel in which Jesus tells the parable of the fig tree. Father Dave points out that we are all in need of an attitude of conversion. We must allow God to enter into our hearts and be open to his grace. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 3-20-22 |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Monday of the Second Week in Lent. Father Dave discusses today's reading in which Daniel reflects on God's mercy and justice. He encourages us not to be afraid of forgiveness and mercy. God calls us to be merciful, and to be aware of the need for God's mercy in our own lives. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 3-14-22 |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Thursday of the First Week in Lent. Father Dave reflects on the three pillars of Lent. He encourages us to pray as if everything depended upon God. As well as to take action when we are called to. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 3-10-22 |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Ash Wednesday. Father Dave encourages us to look at the intentions of our hearts when performing good deeds or praying in public. He points out that Jesus' challenge to us in today's Gospel is to act for the right reason and not for our own gain. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 03-02-22 |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave speaks to the tragedy of the war in Ukraine. He points out that change begins with us. If we treat our neighbor with respect and dignity, we can change the hearts of many. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 2-27-22 |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave preaches that Jesus gives us many opportunities to live the right way. Jesus supplies us with the grace to do the right thing and love our neighbor. We only have to respond to his invitation. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 2-20-22 |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave reflects on today's Gospel in which Jesus tells some hard truths. While they may be difficult for us to swallow, they exist for our own good. He challenges us to reflect on the state of our hearts and to adjust accordingly. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 2-13-22 |
Tue, 15 March 2022
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave reflects on today's Gospel in which Jesus tells some hard truths. While they may be difficult for us to swallow, they exist for our own good. He challenges us to reflect on the state of our hearts and to adjust accordingly. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 2-13-22 |
Wed, 9 March 2022
Memorial of Saint Scholastica, Virgin. Father Dave discusses the story of Solomon who faced temptation and gave in. He points out that while we all face temptation on a daily basis, our duty is to say no to things that take us away from God. He calls us to say a whole-hearted "yes" to God. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 2-10-22 |
Wed, 9 March 2022
Monday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave discusses Jesus' ministry and the many acts of healing he performed. He points out that our job as baptized people is to bring people to Jesus for healing. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 2-07-22 |
Wed, 9 March 2022
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave reflects on today's Gospel reading which spotlights crowds who are angered at Jesus' words. Jesus knew who he was and what he was about, so he continued to preach the truth. Father Dave encourages us to know our identity in Christ and to continue to spread the Gospel even if it is difficult. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 1-30-22 |
Wed, 9 March 2022
Thursday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave discusses today's Gospel in which Jesus tells us not to hide our light under a bushel basket. He points out that in the time of Jesus, people used oil lamps. Putting an oil lamp under a bushel basket would cause it to catch fire. Father Dave reflects on the danger of covering our light rather than sharing it with others. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 2-01-22 |
Mon, 28 February 2022
Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales. Father Dave discusses today's readings about unity between nations. He points out that Saint Francis de Sales lived during the Protestant Reformation. He spent the majority of his life preaching and educating Catholics on their faith and the importance of unity. Father Dave encourages us to be agents of unity in our own lives. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 1-24-22 |
Mon, 28 February 2022
The Epiphany of the Lord. Father Dave reflects on the hope that a new year can bring. He points out that in our current times, it can be hard to be optimistic and to hope for new beginnings. He reminds us that our hope must always be in the Lord and not in the world. Otherwise, we will continue to find ourselves disappointed. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 1-02-22 |
Tue, 11 January 2022
Feast of Saint Juan Diego. Father Dave discusses God's pattern of choosing those least likely to fulfill his will. He explains that Saint Juan Diego was a humble pagan convert who no one would expect the Virgin Mary to appear to. Through his humility and perseverance, Juan Diego spread the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe throughout the world. Father Dave encourages us to look to the least likely in our lives and reflect on how God may be working through them. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 12-09-21 |
Tue, 11 January 2022
Second Sunday of Advent. Father Dave discusses the virtue of patience in seasons of waiting. He encourages us to look to Jesus with longing while waiting and to allow it to stretch us so that it may create more room for hope. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 12-05-21 |
Tue, 11 January 2022
Memorial of Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr. Father Dave talks about people who chose to remain faithful to the Lord in difficult circumstances, such as Daniel from today's reading. He also discusses the poor widow who gave her last coin in the Gospel. She trusted that God would provide. Father Dave encourages us to trust in God to provide for us when we are asked to choose our faith over anything else in our lives. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 11-22-21 |