Wed, 11 March 2015
We are told to honor our mother and father...but what about our grandparents? Well they get a special shout-out today, in the readings, and in our lives Preached on a mission at St. John the Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 11, 2015. |
Tue, 10 March 2015
What is forgiveness? Well, that is indeed a difficult a question. But it is something we are called to. So perhaps we should start discussing what forgiveness is not, as this can help us achieve it. Preached on a mission at St. John the Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 10, 2015.
Direct download: 03-10-15_SJTB-OKC_ThingsForgivenessIsNot.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00pm EDT |
Tue, 10 March 2015
Today we hear about some people in the Bible who saw what God was doing and thought, said or even acted with this in mind: "that's not how I would have done it, Lord." Do you ever do this, as well? Preached on a mission at St. John the Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 9, 2015. |
Sun, 8 March 2015
Are you ever thirsty for God? Father Dave reminds us to hydrate with the Lord. Refresh with our faith. Preached on a mission at St. John the Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on March 8, 2015. |
Mon, 2 March 2015
Monday of the Second Week in Lent. Heap out the love, generosity, and mercy. That's right...let's heap it out. (Preached on Monday, March 2, 2015, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |