Second Sunday of Lent. While preaching at a bilingual Mass in San Francisco, Father Dave reflects on Lent and the Transfiguration in today’s Gospel. We can hear God’s voice more clearly in this penitential season when we strip away life’s many distractions. Preached at Old St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, CA on 02-25-24

Direct download: 02-25-24_LessSpectacleMoreListening.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:25pm EDT

Ash Wednesday. Father Dave describes a friend’s toddler at Mass who pointed to the ashes on peoples’ foreheads while saying, “like me!” He reminds us that we are all humbled by ashes and are called to be ambassadors for Christ this Lent. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, Los Angeles, CA on 02-14-24

Direct download: 02-14-24_AshesLikeMe.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:23pm EDT

Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time. Father Dave discusses the theme of leprosy in today’s readings. As we end Ordinary Time, we are encouraged to reach out to those who feel shunned by society or the Church. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, Los Angeles, CA on 02-11-24

Direct download: 02-11-24_ComeInBeHealed.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:21pm EDT

Memorial of Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr. Father Dave notes how we often compare ourselves to others and think some people are holier than we could ever be. Regardless of where we are in our faith journey, today’s readings remind us that Christ is present to all those who seek him. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, NY on 02-05-24

Direct download: 02-05-24_AnyoneCanTouchHisCloak.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:19pm EDT

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave preaches about how many people relate to Job’s lament and struggles in today’s first reading. Despite our own brokenness, Christ can make us whole to help transform the world. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, NY on 02-04-24

Direct download: 02-04-24_LiftedUpAndMadeWhole.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:16pm EDT