Sun, 29 December 2013
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. What does it mean to call them The Holy Family? What does it mean to call anyone a holy family? How can we strive for that? (Preached on Sunday, December 29, 2013, 6:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)
Direct download: 12-29-13p_MakeUrFamilyHolyByForgiving.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:00pm EST |
Wed, 25 December 2013
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas). Father Dave relays heart-warming stories and poignant readings to make an impacting point here on Christmas Day. (Preached on Wednesday, December 25, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Wed, 18 December 2013
Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent. Father Dave compares the excitement of a surprise birthday party to the patient joy of Advent. (Preached on Wednesday, December 18, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Mon, 16 December 2013
Monday of the Third Week of Advent. Jesus reminds us to stop worrying all the time about how people are going to react to our faith-filled words - sometimes you just gotta say it! (Preached on Monday, December 16, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 15 December 2013
Gaudete Sunday. Father Dave explains why it is we are so joyful on this Gaudete Sunday...besides the obvious reason of course. (Preached on Sunday, December 15, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 12 December 2013
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In what ways do we dwell in others' places? In what ways has God dwelled in ours? (Preached on Thursday, December 12, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Mon, 9 December 2013
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patronal Feastday of the United States of America. Father Dave talks about the concept of questioning God on this, the feast day of the Immaculate Conception. (Preached on Monday, December 9, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 8 December 2013
Second Sunday of Advent. Father Dave loops in the life and death of Nelson Mandela, John Lennon, and Advent and the Immaculate Conception all into this powerful homily. (Preached on Sunday, December 8, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 5 December 2013
Thursday of the First Week of Advent. Father Dave reminds us not to pick sides, especially during these holy days. (Preached on Thursday, December 5, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Mon, 18 November 2013
Monday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time. Unlike perhaps most of our lives, we should indeed rejoice that God gives us commands to live by. (Preached on Monday, November 18, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 17 November 2013
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave spells out some interesting hidden modern-day truths in a potentially challenging set of readings. (Preached on Sunday, November 17, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 14 November 2013
Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave shows us something that could very well be right in front of your face. (Preached on Thursday, November 14, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Sun, 10 November 2013
Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave uses some of Pope Francis' recent potentially controversial words to make a point that reflects the readings and also God's faith in us. (Preached on Thursday, November 10, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Thu, 7 November 2013
Thursday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time. Do you live for yourself? If not, who else do you live for? Who else are we supposed to live for? Father Dave gets into it. (Preached on Thursday, November 07, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Sun, 3 November 2013
Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Did you see the great photos or videos of the kid in the yellow shirt going up to Pope Francis on stage during his address to families at St. Peter's Square? Well, if you haven't you should right away, and then listen to this powerful homily by Father Dave. (Sunday, November 3, 2013 at St. Boniface Church in Cold Spring, MN) |
Mon, 28 October 2013
Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles. It might not seem like it now, but even the Apostles themselves were in reality kind of a ragtag bunch of folks. It should be inspiring to us that anyone can be a model of our Christianity. (Preached on Monday, October 28, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 24 October 2013
Thursday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave lays out what seems like St. Paul's ancient polemics, that still play a role for us today. (Preached on Thursday, October 24, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Mon, 21 October 2013
Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave delves into a very specific part of the readings today to make a poignant statement about what we think God is supposed to do for us and to us, and perhaps what He is not. (Preached on Monday, October 21, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 20 October 2013
Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. With some potentially challenging readings, Father Dave makes some pretty powerful points, and provides us with some helpful tools as well. (Preached on Sunday, October 20, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 3 October 2013
Thursday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time. Do we auto-renew our faith? Does God auto-renew His love for us? (Preached on Thursday, October 3, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Mon, 30 September 2013
Memorial of Saint Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church. What is the difference between envy and jealousy? How does that play into our faith lives? (Preached on Monday, September 30, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 29 September 2013
Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings from Amos make Father Dave a little nervous today. Have a listen as to why. (Preached on Sunday, September 29, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Mon, 23 September 2013
Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest. Father Dave (and perhaps Jesus as well) asks us a very poignant question in times of need: do we believe we have light? Then why not share it? (Preached on Monday, September 23, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 22 September 2013
Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave uses this time at mass to break down the often misinterpreted, yet still incredibly powerful words and sentiments of Pope Francis from his most recent interview. I urge you to PLEASE have a listen. (Preached on Sunday, September 22, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 19 September 2013
Thursday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time. Today's Gospel and Father Dave both remind us that going to reconciliation shows us that we are to show our love of God more this way. (Preached on Thursday, September 19, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Wed, 28 August 2013
Memorial of Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Father Dave reminds us that when we think about delving into our faith lives even deeper, God insists. (Preached on Thursday, August 28, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Mon, 26 August 2013
Monday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave echoes part of the sentiment of the readings in how to persist in our faith lives: work, labor, endure. (Preached on Monday, August 26, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 15 August 2013
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Father Dave explains that this feast day is to show us and remind us that we aren't perfect yet, but we will be. In Heaven, with the blessed Mother. (Preached on Thursday, August 15, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Tue, 13 August 2013
Tuesday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time. We should strive to find and heal the lost ones, not only concentrate on the ones already on board and in the building. (Preached on Monday, June 24, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 1 August 2013
Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguouri, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Father Dave reflects on his time at World Youth Day to make a point and inspire us to keep our huge energy up to inspire others with the faith. (Preached on Thursday, August 1, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)
Direct download: 08-01-13m_TheGloryOfTheLordFilledTheDwelling.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Thu, 18 July 2013
Thursday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time. God tells Moses "I am" - what does this mean to us as believers? What does it mean for everybody? (Preached on Thursday, July 18, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Mon, 15 July 2013
Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Ever have a case of the Mondays? Does your faith life ever have days like that, too? Father Dave would bet that it does. But that's not so bad. (Preached on Monday, July 15, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 14 July 2013
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Before delving into the story of the Good Samaritan, Father Dave decides to go into the precluding question: who is your neighbor? (Preached on Sunday, July 14, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 27 June 2013
Thursday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave makes a connection between the readings today and the phenomenon of people saying one thing and doing another in various circumstances. (Preached on Thursday, June 27, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)
Direct download: 06-27-13m_TellingGodWhatHeWantsToHear.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST |
Mon, 24 June 2013
Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. Saint John the Baptist teaches us two very important lessons on this his special feast day. (Preached on Monday, June 24, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 23 June 2013
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time. What does it really mean to carry your cross? (Preached on Sunday, June 9, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 20 June 2013
Thursday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time. Jesus tells us today how we are supposed to pray. So it is probably pretty important, right? (Preached on Thursday, June 20, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Mon, 10 June 2013
Monday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time. How encouraging are you with others? Why is this important? (Preached on Monday, June 10, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 9 June 2013
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave uses an analogy to a cruise ship commercial to make a point about the readings today. (Preached on Sunday, June 9, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on SiriusXM Satellite Radio, Channel 129, Monday through Thursday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm and Fridays from 2:00pm to 5:00pm Eastern. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Thu, 6 June 2013
Thursday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time. When is the best time to pray? When is the worst time to pray? Is there such a thing? (Preached on Thursday, June 6, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Mon, 3 June 2013
Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs. What does it really mean to be a martyr? (Preached on Monday, June 3, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Sun, 26 May 2013
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Father Dave by-passes a traditional attempt at explaining the Holy Trinity is, and instead delves into regardless of how we think about it, let's consider how we feel about it. (Preached on Sunday, May 26, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Thu, 23 May 2013
Thursday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time. Today's readings prove the fact that we all need to read the Bible in it's full context. How will this effect our interpretation? (Preached on Thursday, May 23, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Mon, 20 May 2013
Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time. What does the term "if I can" really mean? We all can! (Preached on Monday, May 20, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Thu, 16 May 2013
Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter. Paul says he is on trial for hope. What does that mean? What does that mean for us? (Preached on Thursday, May 16, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Thu, 9 May 2013
Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Remember that day you drove a car by yourself for the first time? Well, there is a connection to that feeling to those we hear in the readings today. (Preached on Thursday, May 9, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Mon, 6 May 2013
Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter. We hear a lot about the Holy Spirit a lot around these times. The Holy Spirit will testify for you - will you testify for the Holy Spirit? (Preached on Monday, May 6, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Sun, 5 May 2013
Sixth Sunday of Easter. Somehow Jesus exceeded our most lofty expectations. How is this possible? (Preached on Sunday, May 5, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information. |
Mon, 29 April 2013
Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin and Doctor of the Church. Father Dave reminds us that well...we need a reminder. (Preached on Monday, April 29, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 28 April 2013
Fifth Sunday of Easter. Father Dave uses a turn of phrase from an Episcopal priest Ian Cron, "don't outsource your faith" to make a point about how we dole out our faith works. (Preached on Sunday, April 28, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Mon, 22 April 2013
Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter. God made it holy, and continues to make it holy. (Preached on Monday, April 22, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 21 April 2013
Fourth Sunday of Easter. How do we find the balance in our lives with all the madness and sadness going on? Can we live with gratitude and tragedy? (Preached on Sunday, April 21, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Mon, 15 April 2013
Monday of the Third Week of Easter. We must strive to keep our faith lives energetic, regardless of the season. (Preached on Monday, April 15, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Mon, 8 April 2013
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord. How can we imagine ourselves as day laborers for the Lord? We should want to work for God. (Preached on Monday, April 8, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 4 April 2013
Thursday in the Octave of Easter. Father Dave asks a very poignant question of us this week: how real is Jesus to you? (Preached on Thursday, April 4, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Sun, 31 March 2013
The Resurrection of the Lord; The Mass of Easter Sunday. We praise God and Jesus in this day the Lord has made! Rejoice! (Preached on Sunday, March 31, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Fri, 1 March 2013
Friday of the Second Week of Lent. What do you thirst for? Whatever it is, you are not alone. (Father Dave Dwyer from a retreat on March 1, 2013)
Direct download: 03-01-13pRetreat_YouAreNotAloneSoEvangelize.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:30pm EST |
Thu, 28 February 2013
Thursday of the Second Week of Lent. Our faith lives sometimes need little flashlight batteries to help us shine. (Preached on Thursday, February 28, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Sun, 24 February 2013
Second Sunday of Lent. On this Oscar Sunday, Father Dave asks who we listen more to, celebrities or Jesus. (Fr. Dave Dwyer, mission in Los Angeles, California on Sunday, February 24, 2013)
Direct download: 02-24-13pCali_CelebrityWorshipVsListenToJesus.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 12:30pm EST |
Thu, 14 February 2013
Thursday after Ash Wednesday. Father Dave uses a story from his childhood to make a point about holding fast to God. (Preached on Thursday, February 14, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Wed, 13 February 2013
Ash Wednesday. Father Dave uses an analogy from his local gym to explain the importance of people returning to church: we're glad you're back. (Preached on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Sun, 10 February 2013
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave explains and inspires the idea of letting God send you. (Preached on Sunday, February 10, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Mon, 4 February 2013
Monday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time. Father Dave preaches a mission from Orange Park, Florida. (Preached on Monday, February 4, 2013, Orange Park, FL)
Thu, 24 January 2013
Memorial of Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Father Dave makes an intriguing point about the results of investigating how we spend the hours of our days. (Preached on Thursday, January 24, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |
Sun, 20 January 2013
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Father Dave explains that the Wedding of Cana means much more than a cool wedding miracle story. (Preached on Sunday, January 20, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City) |
Thu, 10 January 2013
Thursday after Epiphany. Father Dave preaches upon unrequited love. Perhaps you have experienced this? Is it possible that God does? (Preached on Thursday, January 10, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City) |