The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Father Dave by-passes a traditional attempt at explaining the Holy Trinity is, and instead delves into regardless of how we think about it, let's consider how we feel about it. (Preached on Sunday, May 26, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)

The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.

Direct download: 05-26-13p_ThreePartsOfGod.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Thursday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time. Today's readings prove the fact that we all need to read the Bible in it's full context. How will this effect our interpretation? (Preached on Thursday, May 23, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)

The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.

Direct download: 05-23-13m_ReadTheBibleInContext.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time. What does the term "if I can" really mean? We all can! (Preached on Monday, May 20, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)

The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.

Direct download: 05-20-13p_IfICan.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Thursday of the Seventh Week of Easter. Paul says he is on trial for hope. What does that mean? What does that mean for us? (Preached on Thursday, May 16, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)

The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.

Direct download: 05-16-13m_OnTrialForHope.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Remember that day you drove a car by yourself for the first time? Well, there is a connection to that feeling to those we hear in the readings today.  (Preached on Thursday, May 9, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)

The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.

Direct download: 05-09-13m_AscensionThurTakeTheLight.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter. We hear a lot about the Holy Spirit a lot around these times. The Holy Spirit will testify for you - will you testify for the Holy Spirit? (Preached on Monday, May 6, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City)

The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.

Direct download: 05-06-13p_WeTestifyWithTheSpirit.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST

Sixth Sunday of Easter. Somehow Jesus exceeded our most lofty expectations. How is this possible? (Preached on Sunday, May 5, 2013, 12:15pm, St. Malachy's Church, 49th and Broadway, Times Square, New York City)

The Busted Halo Show with Father Dave Dwyer is on Sirius/XM Satellite Radio, Sirius/XM 129, Monday through Friday, 7:00pm to 10:00pm EST. Give us a call with your questions and comments: 1-888-3-CATHOLIC, or at Go to to get subscription information.

Direct download: 05-05-13m_ExceedingOurExpectations.mp3
Category:podcast -- posted at: 1:00pm EST