Sun, 30 September 2007
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C). When you board a train they say, "Mind the Gap!" Jesus tells a parable today that challenges us to pay more attention to those "on the other side of the gap" from us. St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 6:00pm Sunday Mass. (9-30-07) ...also happens to be Fr. Dave's birthday!
Thu, 27 September 2007
Thursday of the 25th Week in OT. If you're like me, you procrastinate some things. In today's reading God cautions against putting off things of the spiritual life. St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 12:15 weekday Mass. (9-27-07)
Sun, 23 September 2007
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C). It may seem like Jesus is commending someone who is dsihonest. But he's actually just encouraging us to put our passion to work in the realm of our faith. St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 9:00 am Sunday Mass. (9-23-07)
Fri, 21 September 2007
Feast of Saint Matthew. It's not always so easy to "Follow the Leader." St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 12:15 weekday Mass. (09-21-07)
Sun, 16 September 2007
24th Sunday In Ordinary Time. The three parables in this Gospel passage all speak of people who celebrate when lost things are found. How do we seek out those who are lost from the chruch, and how well do we celebraet their return? St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, Sunday Mass. (9-16-07)
Fri, 14 September 2007
Feast of The Triumph (or Exultation) of the Cross. Next time you see John 3:16 at a baseball game, you'll know it's the condensed version of the gospel. St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, Friday Mass. (09-14-07)
Thu, 13 September 2007
Thursday of the 23rd Week in OT. We most often think to define the word "faith" as our set of beliefs or creed. Maybe we even personalize a bit more and think that "my" faith is equivalent to my relationship with God. What what about looking at faith as an action? St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 12:15 weekday Mass. (9-13-07)
Sun, 9 September 2007
23rd Sunday In Ordinary Time. Jesus is not threatening the people, but instead reminding them to truly make God a top priority in their lives. St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, Sunday Mass. (9-09-07)
Fri, 7 September 2007
Friday of 22nd Week In Ordinary Time. Some might say Catholics are supposed to be somber or "serious." The Jewish leaders of Jesus' time wondered why his disciples didn't fast as much as other religious people. Our Lord's response to them are good words for us: we are a party people! St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 12:15 weekday Mass. (9-07-07)
Thu, 6 September 2007
Thursday of the 22nd Week Ordinary TIme. Jesus tells the disciples to take a risk by putting out into deep water. How will you take a risk in your faith this week? St. Malachy's Church - The Actors’ Chapel, W. 49th St. and Broadway, New York City, 12:15 weekday Mass. (9-06-07)