Mon, 3 April 2023
Vigil Mass of the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Father Dave recalls his trip to Austria where a “Sound of Music” tour made him see the movie in a new way. On the final day of pilgrimage in the Holy Land, he challenges the pilgrims to go beyond their new perspective of Christ's passion and allow Jesus to bring about a renewal of faith in daily life. Preached at Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel on 03-25-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent. While preaching in the home of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus in the Holy Land, Father Dave discusses their friendship with Jesus. He reminds us that the Christian life is a balance of joyful and difficult times, and we are called to see Christ as our friend journeying with us. Preached at Church of Saint Lazarus (Shrine of Bethany), Al-Eizariya, West Bank on 03-24-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Thursday of the Fourth Week of Lent. While in the Holy Land, Father Dave tells the pilgrims how they are entering into their own Holy Week. He discusses Peter’s journey through Jesus’ passion, and how we can relate to his sin and renewal. Preached at Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu, Jerusalem, Israel on 03-23-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent. While preaching on pilgrimage in the Holy Land, Father Dave focuses on the angels announcing the birth of Christ to shepherds. He challenges us to be like those shepherds and bring the good news to all we influence in our lives. Preached at Shepherd’s Field, Beit-Sahur, West Bank on 03-22-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent. While preaching in the Garden of Gethsemane, Father Dave reminds us how Jesus chose to suffer for us. He highlights Jesus’ fear before his crucifixion, and how God shares in our pain. Preached at Church of All Nations, Garden of Gethsemane, Jerusalem, Israel on 03-21-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent. Father Dave reflects on the Annunciation at the site of the incarnation in the Holy Land. He invites us to say “yes” to God’s calling for our lives, just as Mary did. Preached at Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth, Israel on 03-20-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Fourth Sunday in Lent. While on pilgrimage in the Holy Land, Father Dave reflects on how the Gospels focus on healings. Jesus also desires to heal us and make us whole again so we can build the kingdom of God. Preached at St. Peter’s Church, Capernaum, Israel on 03-19-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Saturday of the Third Week of Lent. While on pilgrimage in the Holy Land, Father Dave welcomes the pilgrims and explains how this experience will change their lives. He reflects on our call to spread the Gospel, long after the joyful moments when Jesus opens our eyes. Preached at Duc In Altum Chapel, Magdala Center, Tiberias, Israel on 03-18-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Third Sunday of Lent. Father Dave challenges us to see how God is present in our lives. He reminds us that the small sacrifices of Lent help us be aware of Christ in our midst. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 03-12-23 |
Mon, 3 April 2023
Friday of the Second Week in Lent. Father Dave reflects on how today’s readings resonate with our modern challenges, even if they seem distant from today's world. He challenges us to turn our faults over to God this Lent. Preached at St. Paul the Apostle Church, New York City on 03-10-23 |