Mon, 30 April 2018
Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter. Father Dave discusses the way in which Saint Paul looks back at history and proclaims how God helped his people. Father Dave points out that this practice is helpful for all of us, and we should look back and see where God clearly acted in our lives, especially during times when we might feel that God is not present. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 4-26-18 |
Thu, 26 April 2018
Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter. Reflecting on the reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Father Dave points out the first real controversy among the leaders of the Church. Many believed that in order to be a believer in Christ, you had to be a Jew. Peter had a dream in which he was asked to accompany everyone, including the gentiles. This dream makes Peter ask himself, "Who am I to hinder God?" Father Dave encourages us to ask ourselves this same question. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 4-23-18 |
Mon, 23 April 2018
Monday of the Third Week of Easter. Father Dave reflects on the reading from the Acts of the Apostles in which Steven preaches. The reading states that the people could not resist his wisdom and spirit, and so they were convinced. We must also practice the discipline of channeling the Holy Spirit so that we can reach others as Steven did. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 4-16-18
Direct download: 04-16-18_WithstandTheVoiceOfTheSpirit.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:58am EST |
Mon, 16 April 2018
Thursday of the Second Week of Easter. Father Dave reflects on how the Apostles were told to stop preaching in the name of Jesus. Names are powerful, and the Apostles recognized this and were bold enough to continue to preach in his name. Father Dave encourages us to be as bold as the apostles. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 4-12-18 |
Mon, 16 April 2018
Thursday in the Octave of Easter. Father Dave points out how we sometimes miss important details in our lives. In the Gospel reading from Luke, Jesus appears to the disciples after the resurrection, and they think he is a ghost. This leaves us asking, "how did they miss that?" In our own lives, Jesus continues to reveal himself over and over again, and we must open our eyes and hearts, so as not to miss it. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 4-05-18 |
Wed, 11 April 2018
Monday in the Octave of Easter. Father Dave discusses today's Gospel reading from Matthew in which Jesus instructs Mary Magdalene and Mary to tell the disciples to go to Galilee. Father Dave points out that this was where Jesus first called his apostles, and it serves as a good reminder for us to go back to the roots of our faith. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 4-2-18 |
Thu, 5 April 2018
Easter Sunday. Father Dave contrasts the joy of Easter with today's Gospel reading, which ends with the empty tomb. Father Dave points out that it is in the emptiness that the disciples have faith. It's not about proof, it's about faith, and sometimes our faith feels like the empty tomb. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 4-01-18 |
Wed, 4 April 2018
Monday of Holy Week. Father Dave focuses on the Gospel reading in which Judas complains about the woman using expensive oil to anoint Jesus. While many argue that Judas was saying this out of greed, Father Dave relates this story to our complaints about churches looking expensive. The beauty of the church can draw us in, and it is good to want a beautiful space to worship God. Our faith is what should draw us to serve the poor. Preached at Saint Paul the Apostle Church, New York City, on 3-26-18
Direct download: 03-26-18_WhyNotJustSellItAndFeedThePoor.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:42pm EST |
Sun, 1 April 2018
Monday of the Third Week of Lent. Father Dave discusses the story of Namaan and his healing. Namaan was asked to do something very simple in order to be healed from leprosy, and did not believe it would work because it was such a small task. Father Dave points out that often we look for something big in our spiritual lives, but it is possible that God is asking something simple of us, and we might miss out on it if we are focused on bigger plans. Preached at St. Benedict Catholic Church, New Jersey, on 3-05-18
Direct download: 03-05-18_LetsNotMIssTheSImpleThings.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:37pm EST |